Thursday, August 16, 2007

Quake aftermath

The aftermath:
7.9 quake
At least 337 Dead and the death toll might be much higher (e.g. 300 people were in a cathedral when it collapsed)
Supposedly 70% of a port city near the epicenter was leveled

It was on the front page of (this photo is from & I will take it down if asked)

Did you know that the west coast of South America (where Peru is) is the location of 2/3 of the world's large magnitude earthquakes?
So earthquakes are nothing new for Peru- who would have guessed it? There is an annual festival to commemorate a quake in 1746 when 5,000 people died (the Miracle Christ festival), and it is custom to wear purple in the month of October to commemorate the event.

This site has a great short history of quakes in Peru:

1 comment:

katy said...

wow. that must have been such a crazy experience!